Friday 31 July 2009

Content Adaptation by mobile network operators - resolved!

We told you we'd keep you posted on that one so there it is! If you have a look at our post of last July the 10th (Content Adaptation by mobile network operators), you might remember that all of a sudden pages were automatically being reformatted on mobiles connected to specific mobile operators. That is called "Content Adaption". Although content adaptation is not a bad idea, it simply didn't work for our web services. Therefore we immediately contacted Vodafone UK to see if we could have our website whitelisted so their "Content Adaptation" software doesn't reformat our pages. The guys over there have been very supportive and worked on the matter immediately. We've also sent an email whitelist request to Vodafone Ireland the same day which seemed to have gone un-actioned as our webpages were still being reformatted 20 days after in Ireland. So we've contacted Vodafone UK again to see if they could help and we are now pleased to announce that our webpages are not being reformatted when connecting through Vodafone Ireland neither. From QuoVadis Live! we'd like to thank Brian, Ryan and all the rest of the team at Vodafone for their support. Thanks guys!

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