Wednesday 30 July 2008

QuoVadis Live! Event Finder Mapplet Released

We've just released a mini-app that runs within Google Maps so any user can search for geoevents in his city and in the cities he plans to go to.

If you want to add the QuoVadis Live! Event Finder to your map, all you have to do is to click on the picture above.

Did you know : you can attach movies to your geoevents?

Whenever you map a geoevent in QuoVadis Live! you can attach a YouTube movie to it. Thus clicking on the movie button in the geoevents page displays the movie related to a geoevent instead of the map.

Tuesday 29 July 2008

But... you're using Google Maps!

That's right! Google Maps API provides a set of development tools quite useful to embed a "blank" Google Map in a website and to manipulate it. Thanks to this API we can allow QuoVadis Live! members to plot the exact venue of the geoevents they're logging, they're actually mapping them, so users looking for a geoevent can immediately see where it is.

More about Google Maps API:

Monday 28 July 2008

Five things you can do with QuoVadis Live!

  • Easily map and share geoevents you know about

  • Browse geoevents mapped by QuoVadis Live! members

  • Add geoevents to your QuoVadis Live! calendar

  • Create original geotours and share them with your friends

  • Embed geoevents and geotours maps in your website including MySpace, Facebook, etc.

And there is more: check it out at !

Thursday 24 July 2008

What's the big idea?

It's quite simple really. People are looking for events and want to see where it takes place, when and how to get there. And people going someplace want to know what's going on there and around. Now the thing is QuoVadis Live! is based on contributions made by members (registered users). That is a registered user knows about an event and decides to share it mapping it in QuoVadis Live! so other users can find it. A registered user can also rate an event and leave a comment about it. By the way, registration is free and mapping a geoevent is also free.

Monday 21 July 2008

QuoVadis what?

QuoVadis Live! A new exciting online free service that allows users to know about geoevents and original geotours worldwide QuoVadis Live! members have mapped and shared. map your events

Check it out and let us know what you think!